Professor Lisa Randall of Harvard gave a public lecture at the ARC Ballroom at UC Davis on Jan 10, 2006 at 7:30 pm. Her talk was based on her recent popular book "Warped Passages"
, which explores the latest developments in particle physics, string theory, and extra dimensions.
Warped Passages
Imagine a hidden fifth dimension in addition to the four known dimensions of time and space. What if the extra dimensions required by string theory were not unobservably small, but unfurled and vast, extending forever? Could a universe in another dimension explain phenomena that we see in our world today? Professor of physics at Harvard University and rising star in the world of theoretical physics, Lisa Randall sheds light on the kind of problems that extra dimensions might solve. As a result of her radically new research, scientists are changing the ways they think about and research the nature of the universe, its origin, and its future. A brilliant communicator with infectious enthusiasm, Randall makes the most sophisticated concepts in theoretical physics accessible and entertaining.
This lecture was sponsored by the High Energy Frontier Theory Initiative and the UC Davis Physics Deptartment. Call 530-752-4086 for more information.
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