Speaker: Ian Moult
Title: Conformal Colliders Meet the LHC
Room: 3024
Host: Markus Luty
Abstract: Jets of hadrons produced at high-energy colliders provide experimental access to the dynamics of asymptotically free quarks and gluons and their confinement into hadrons. Motivated by recent developments in conformal field theory, we show that questions of interest in collider physics can be reformulated as the study of correlation functions of a specific class of light-ray operators and their associated operator product expansion (OPE). We show that multi-point correlation functions of these operators can be measured in real collider data, allowing us to experimentally verify the scaling properties associated with the OPE, and providing new insights into the dynamics of the confinement transition.
High-Energy Seminars
1:30pm - 3:00pm
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Yes - 0 days 6 hour 0 minutes before start
Speaker: Nate Craig
Title: Internal Supersymmetry and the Hierarchy Problem
Room: 3024
Host: John Terning
Abstract: What if supersymmetry were an internal symmetry, rather than a spacetime symmetry?
Valentine's Day
High-Energy Seminars
2:00pm - 3:00pm
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Yes - 20240207
Speaker: Federico Redi
Title: Is the LHCb experiment finally ready to tackle direct searches of physics beyond the Standard Model?
Room: 285 PHY
Host: Matthew Citron
Zoom: https://cern.zoom.us/j/66791290060?pwd=RmRyRW1VeExuSmgzTDRkVG9rRktSQT09
Abstract: This seminar delves into the readiness of the LHCb experiment to conduct direct searches beyond the Standard Model, following extensive upgrades during LHC’s Long Shutdown 2 (LS2). Key enhancements include real-time data analysis at a 40 MHz rate, the incorporation of a state-of-the-art silicon pixel detector, and the deployment of the innovative Upstream Tracker (UT). The session critically assesses the implications of these upgrades, emphasizing their potential impact on LHCb's ability to explore the realm of feebly interacting particles. The seminar will also critically assess the last months' operational difficulties. Join us for a comprehensive exploration of LHCb's evolving role in direct particle physics searches.
Presidents' Day
High-Energy Seminars
1:30pm - 3:00pm
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Yes - 0 days 6 hour 0 minutes before start
Room: 3024
High-Energy Seminars
1:30pm - 3:00pm
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Yes - 0 days 6 hour 0 minutes before start
Speaker: Csaba Csaki
Title: On the Dynamical Origin of the η′ Potential and the Axion Mass
Room: 3024
Host: John Terning
Abstract: We investigate the dynamics responsible for generating the potential of the η′, the (would-be) Goldstone boson associated with the anomalous axial U (1) symmetry of QCD. The standard lore posits that pure QCD dynamics generates a confining potential with a branched structure as a function of the θ angle, and that this same potential largely determines the properties of the η′ once fermions are included. Here we test this picture by examining a supersymmetric extension of QCD with a small amount of supersymmetry breaking generated via anomaly mediation.