Speaker: Federico Redi
Title: Is the LHCb experiment finally ready to tackle direct searches of physics beyond the Standard Model?
Room: 285 PHY
Host: Matthew Citron
Zoom: https://cern.zoom.us/j/66791290060?pwd=RmRyRW1VeExuSmgzTDRkVG9rRktSQT09
Abstract: This seminar delves into the readiness of the LHCb experiment to conduct direct searches beyond the Standard Model, following extensive upgrades during LHC’s Long Shutdown 2 (LS2). Key enhancements include real-time data analysis at a 40 MHz rate, the incorporation of a state-of-the-art silicon pixel detector, and the deployment of the innovative Upstream Tracker (UT). The session critically assesses the implications of these upgrades, emphasizing their potential impact on LHCb's ability to explore the realm of feebly interacting particles. The seminar will also critically assess the last months' operational difficulties. Join us for a comprehensive exploration of LHCb's evolving role in direct particle physics searches.