Speaker: Tao Han
Title:EW physics at very high energies: A multi-TeV muon collider as a case study
Room: 285
Host: John Terning
Abstract: The Standard Model electroweak (EW) sector exhibits some novel features at very high energies. At energies much larger than the EW scale, the EW gauge symmetry is essentially restored and the massless splitting phenomena dominate the EW physics. Beyond the familiar gauge theory splitting functions, we discuss the emergence of additional ``ultra-collinear'' splitting phenomena and the naive violation of the Goldstone-boson Equivalence Theorem. Because the SU(2) quantum numbers are explicit and observable in common physical processes, subtitles of the Bloch-Nordsieck theorem violation are discussed. The vector-boson fusion processes take over as the leading contributions at high energies, and the EW parton distribution functions are formulated. We implement the EW showering and illustrate its importance by calculating a number of physical processes at high energies within and beyond the SM. Finally, we take a multi-TeV muon collider as a case study for precision Higgs physics and for discovery at the new energy frontier.